Monday, April 16, 2012

Wearable Miniatures

imageHand-painted miniatures under glass and with a frame ready to hang from your necklace. I love flowers and am enamored of the Victorian language of flowers where each species signified a different emotion or concept.
Tonight I started with a Peach Blossom (meaning: I am your captive) and a Purple Columbine (meaning: Resolved to win). Each pa inting is 1.5 inches square with a message on the back that identifies the bloom and gives its Victorian meaning. Meanings of flowers have been obtained from the 1884 edition of Language of Flowers by Kate Greenaway
I’d love feedback or suggestions


Lana Tessler said...

they are really beautiful (and I'm all asquee at your love of victorian flower meanings.) Do you have an etsy store yet?

Kristen said...

My friend Jill and I are working on putting a store together. The name of the shop is Currant Thoughts but we are still in the design phase.